Polish slang – is it worth knowing?
Probably more than once you have encountered words in Polish that you did not understand despite learning the language. The Polish language (like any other language) is constantly evolving and adapting to the changing needs of society and cultural trends. One aspect of this evolution is the development of slang, a loose, informal way of using the language, often characterized by specific expressions and phrases.

Slang in Polish language
Polish slang is a colorful and dynamic part of the Polish language. Especially in modern times, as it often uses words and expressions derived from English and borrowings from other languages. As a result, contemporary Polish slang reflects cultural diversity. In Polish, as in other languages, slang is dynamic and changeable. Some words and phrases become popular through social media, popular TV shows or music, quickly becoming part of everyday communication. Traditionally, the spoken language was based mainly on regional dialects and specific phrases of local communities. These expressions often reflected people’s daily lives and their distinctive way of speaking. However, with advances in technology, globalization and the influence of social media, we are seeing changes in Polish. Of course, sometimes one can hear traditional slang expressions that have survived over the years and are part of the cultural heritage, but most often the traditional slang of the Polish language is used by older generations. Young people, on the other hand, opt for contemporary slang.
Knowledge of Polish slang- a key element of learning the language
Polish slang is not only a fascinating aspect of language, but also an important part of social communication. Used both in everyday conversation and in art, music or literature, it helps build social ties and express our feelings, opinions and experiences in a colorful and expressive way. Understanding this type of language allows us to better integrate into the Polish-speaking culture and community, and to better understand different aspects of the culture and lifestyle.
Discovering Polish
Discovering Polish slang is not only a way to explore the secrets of the Polish language, but also a means to better understand the culture and everyday interactions with Poles. Getting to know Polish slang brings a number of benefits, in the context of learning the Polish language, such as:
– Easier communication and making friends.
– Better understanding of the culture of the Polish language.
– Vocabulary enrichment.
– Improving self-confidence and breaking the language barrier.
Hajs – otherwise known as money
Example: „Chciałbym zarabiać dużo więcej ” (I would like to earn a lot more money.)
Kumać – to understand
Example: „Nie kumam o czym ona do mnie mówi” (I don’t get what she’s talking about.)
Ściema – a lie
Example: „Myśle, że ta opowieść o białej damie to ściema.” (I think that story about the white lady is a scam.)
Nara/Narka – hello; short for „for now”
Example: „Narka, do zobaczenia później” (See you, see you later.)
It is worth remembering that Polish language is not just a set of words and phrases, but also a rich part of the linguistic heritage that is constantly evolving and adapting to the changing times. Therefore, learning and understanding Polish informal language can be a fascinating journey through the diversity of language and culture.